Custom Software Development

Custom Software Development - Kazimir Malevich style

A trusted pair of hands ensuring your project’s success and meeting every deadline.

Our team brings a range of skills to support your distributed system development needs. From technical expertise to individual developers, we adapt to your setup, whether remote or on-site.

  • Rapid Prototyping

    Efficiently build prototypes for seamless production. Rapid prototyping allows for quick development of preliminary software versions to test and validate ideas before full-scale development.
  • Enterprise Apps Development

    Scalable and reliable backends (using Java, Rust, Erlang, Clojure) and user interfaces (with React and ReactNative) for mission-critical systems.
  • Legacy Systems Modernization

    Enhance efficiency, cut costs, and elevate user experience by modernizing your applications. This ensures your operations remain agile and scalable to meet evolving needs.

Custom Software Developement & Consulting Services

Frontend and Backend Development with Clojure and ClojureScript

Clojure and ClojureScript: Frontend and Backend Development

As the software development landscape continually evolves, businesses face the challenge of selecting tools that not only meet current needs but also future-proof their operations.

Erlang/OTP & Elixir Consulting and Development

Erlang/OTP and Elixir Solutions

Erlang, developed by Ericsson, is known for its concurrency, fault tolerance, and distributed computing.

This language was designed to handle massive amounts of concurrent processes efficiently, making it a go-to for applications that require high availability and reliability.

React Native App Development Services

React Native: Mobile App Development

Created by Facebook and initially released in 2015, React Native builds upon the principles of ReactJS, extending its capabilities to mobile platforms.

This framework allows developers to use JavaScript and React syntax to build native mobile applications for both iOS and Android from a single codebase.

React Frontend Development & Consulting Services

React: Frontend Development

React, created by Facebook, is a top tool for front-end development.

It provides a powerful library for building dynamic web applications. Since its release in 2013, React has changed how developers build user interfaces, making it easier to create high-performing web applications with reusable components.

Java Spring Boot Development & Consulting

Java Spring And Spring Boot

Java Spring and Spring Boot have become the de facto standard tools in modern Java development, playing a pivotal role in simplifying application development and maintenance.

These frameworks empower development teams with efficient processes that significantly enhance flexibility and scalability, making them essential for managing the complexities of enterprise-level applications.

Maintenance and Modernization of OSGi and Eclipse RCP Solutions

OSGi and Eclipse RCP

OSGi (Open Service Gateway initiative) is a set of specifications that define a dynamic component system for Java. These specifications enable a modular approach to system architecture and offer several advantages and some challenges.

Eclipse RCP (Rich Client Platform) is a platform for building and deploying rich client applications. It leverages the core of the Eclipse IDE, allowing developers to create standalone applications with extensive features.

Rust Languge Development and Consulting

Rust Development

Rust is a programming language known for its safety, speed, and ability to run tasks in parallel, making it highly appealing to developers looking for reliable and powerful solutions.

RabbitMQ, Spring Boot & Java Software Development - Malevich style

RabbitMQ Applications: Spring Boot (Java)

Integrating RabbitMQ with Spring Boot significantly enhances Java application scalability, offering developers a robust framework for efficient message handling and microservices architecture.