Erlang/OTP and Elixir Solutions
Erlang/OTP & Elixir Consulting and Development

Erlang, developed by Ericsson, is known for its concurrency, fault tolerance, and distributed computing.

This language was designed to handle massive amounts of concurrent processes efficiently, making it a go-to for applications that require high availability and reliability.

Central to its power are Erlang/OTP (Open Telecom Platform) and the Beam VM (Virtual Machine).

These tools are crucial for building reliable, scalable, and high-performance systems, making Erlang ideal for modern applications that need efficiency and reliability.

Erlang and Elixir Developers - Software Development & Consulting

Erlang/OTP: Ideal for High Load Systems

Erlang/OTP is perfect for high load systems. Its lightweight processes and message-passing architecture support massive scalability and resilience. The Beam VM enhances these capabilities, managing thousands of concurrent processes efficiently.

  • Concurrency

    Erlang’s lightweight process model allows for managing millions of processes simultaneously without performance issues. This is vital for systems needing high parallelism and real-time responsiveness.

  • Fault Tolerance

    Erlang/OTP’s “let it crash” philosophy ensures systems recover gracefully from errors. Supervision trees monitor and restart processes if they fail, maintaining continuous system availability.

  • Distributed Computing

    Designed for distributed applications, Erlang nodes communicate seamlessly, making it easier to build scalable and fault-tolerant distributed systems. This benefits telecommunications, banking, and instant messaging applications.

Erlang/OTP: Pros and Cons


  • Concurrency and Scalability

    Erlang’s process model and Beam VM handle massive concurrent operations efficiently.
  • Fault Tolerance

    Robust error-handling mechanisms ensure high availability and reliability.
  • Hot Code Swapping

    Update code without stopping the system, essential for critical applications needing zero downtime.
  • Distributed Nature

    Built-in support for distributed computing simplifies complex distributed systems development.


  • Learning Curve

    Erlang’s syntax and functional programming paradigm can be challenging for developers used to imperative languages.
  • Performance

    While Erlang excels in concurrency, its performance in CPU-bound tasks may lag behind languages like C++ or Rust.
  • Ecosystem

    Although growing, Erlang’s ecosystem is smaller compared to more mainstream languages, leading to fewer libraries and tools.

Erlang & Elixir

Elixir, built on the Beam VM, combines modern programming paradigms with Erlang’s strengths.

  • Syntax and Productivity

    Elixir’s syntax is more approachable for developers familiar with Ruby or Python, reducing the learning curve.
  • Metaprogramming

    Elixir supports metaprogramming, allowing for more expressive and flexible code.
  • Ecosystem and Community

    Elixir has a vibrant community and a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, such as Phoenix for web development.
  • Compatibility

    Built on the Beam VM, Elixir inherits Erlang’s concurrency, fault tolerance, and distributed computing capabilities.

Elixir isn’t just an alternative to Erlang; it’s becoming a preferred choice due to its enhanced developer experience and powerful features.

  • Phoenix Framework

    Phoenix is a highly productive web framework that combines Erlang’s real-time capabilities with Elixir’s modern syntax, making web application development intuitive and enjoyable.

  • Developer Productivity

    Tools like Mix (build tool) and IEx (interactive shell) streamline the development process. Mix helps with creating, compiling, and testing projects, boosting productivity.

  • Metaprogramming

    Elixir’s support for metaprogramming enables writing less code while achieving more, leading to more maintainable and extensible applications, especially in complex projects.

  • Robust Concurrency

    Elixir leverages Erlang’s concurrency model to handle numerous simultaneous connections, ideal for high-traffic applications like chat services and online gaming platforms.

Erlang Solutions in Practice

Erlang solutions are widely used in various industries due to their robustness.

  • RabbitMQ

    A widely-used messaging broker, RabbitMQ is built using Erlang.

  • WhatsApp

    WhatsApp uses Erlang to handle millions of simultaneous connections with high reliability and low latency.

  • Ericsson

    Ericsson employs Erlang in its telecommunication systems for handling massive amounts of concurrent calls and messages.

  • Klarna

    Klarna, a financial technology company, leverages Erlang for its payment systems, ensuring fault tolerance and scalability.

  • Riak

    Riak, a distributed NoSQL database, relies on Erlang to provide high availability and fault tolerance across clusters.


Erlang, with its OTP framework and Beam VM, is a powerful tool for building robust, scalable, and fault-tolerant systems. Tools like Rebar simplify building and managing Erlang projects, while frameworks like Phoenix leverage Erlang’s capabilities for web development.

While it has a steep learning curve, its advantages in concurrency, fault tolerance, and distributed computing are unparalleled.

Elixir modernizes the experience, offering a more approachable syntax and increased productivity, while retaining the powerful features of the Beam VM.

Both languages have a rich community and good documentation, making them accessible for developers of all levels.

If you’re looking to leverage Erlang/OTP or explore Elixir’s modern flavor with Beam VM goodies, our team is here to help.

Reach out to us for guidance and support in building your next high-performance application.


Our offer

Free Project Architecture Audit

This session lasts 2 hours and is held in small groups.

Agile Fixed Price Contract

Suitable for new development and legacy modernization projects.
We are committing to deliver the agreed-upon functionality within a budget and offer a warranty on the outcomes.

Hourly rate / „Time and Materials“

Suitable for consulting, technical supervision and smaller development projects.