High Availability Keycloak Cluster
Keycloak HA Cluster Setup & Consulting Experts

Setting up a Keycloak HA cluster using Kubernetes significantly enhances the reliability and scalability of your identity and access management system.

High availability is essential because it prevents service interruptions that can lead to user dissatisfaction and potential revenue loss. In identity management, downtime can prevent users from accessing critical services, making HA even more crucial.

By ensuring that Keycloak remains available and resilient, organizations can maintain consistent service levels and protect their user base from disruptions.

Keycloak High Availability Cluster Setup & Consulting Services

Production-Ready Keycloak Server

When deploying Keycloak, several options are available. A standalone deployment is straightforward and suitable for small-scale applications. However, for large-scale, mission-critical applications, a clustered deployment is the preferred option. A Keycloak cluster ensures redundancy, load balancing, and failover capabilities, making it ideal for production environments where reliability and scalability are paramount.

Standalone Keycloak Deployment

A standalone deployment is the simplest form of Keycloak setup. It involves running a single instance of Keycloak, which can be quickly set up and managed. This option is suitable for development environments or small-scale applications with low traffic and minimal HA requirements.

Clustered Keycloak Deployment

A clustered deployment involves multiple Keycloak instances working together as a cluster. This setup provides several advantages:

  • Redundancy

    If one Keycloak instance fails, others can take over, ensuring continuous service availability.
  • Load Balancing

    Traffic is distributed across multiple instances, improving performance and preventing any single instance from becoming a bottleneck.
  • Scalability

    New Keycloak instances can be added to the cluster to handle increased load as needed.

HA Cluster Setup with Kubernetes

Using Kubernetes to set up a Keycloak HA cluster offers numerous advantages. Kubernetes, or K8s, is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating application containers. Here are the pros and cons of using Kubernetes for a Keycloak cluster setup:


  • Scalability

    Kubernetes makes it easy to scale Keycloak instances up or down based on demand. This flexibility is crucial for handling varying workloads and ensuring optimal performance.
  • Resilience

    Kubernetes provides self-healing capabilities, automatically replacing failed nodes and ensuring the cluster remains operational. This feature significantly enhances the reliability of your Keycloak deployment.
  • Flexibility

    Kubernetes supports various cloud providers and on-premises environments, offering flexibility in deployment. You can deploy your Keycloak cluster on your preferred infrastructure, whether it’s AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, or an on-premises data center.


  • Complexity

    Setting up and managing a Kubernetes-based Keycloak cluster can be complex, requiring a deep understanding of both Kubernetes and Keycloak. This complexity can increase the time and effort needed for deployment and maintenance.
  • Resource Usage

    Kubernetes clusters can be resource-intensive, necessitating careful planning and resource allocation. Ensuring that you have adequate resources to support the cluster is essential to avoid performance bottlenecks.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of using Kubernetes for Keycloak HA clusters often outweigh the drawbacks, particularly for large-scale deployments.

Keycloak HA Environment Checklist

When setting up a Keycloak HA environment, several factors need attention:

  • Network Configuration

    Ensure that your network configuration supports load balancing and failover. Proper DNS settings and ingress controllers are vital for seamless operation. Additionally, consider using a service mesh like Istio for enhanced traffic management and security.
  • Database Considerations

    Keycloak relies on a database to store its data. For HA setups, using a highly available database solution is crucial. Options like PostgreSQL with replication or clustered databases are recommended. Ensure that your database setup supports failover and backup to prevent data loss.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance

    Regular monitoring of the Keycloak cluster is essential to detect and resolve issues proactively. Tools like Prometheus and Grafana can be used to monitor the health and performance of the cluster. Set up alerts for critical metrics to ensure timely intervention in case of issues.
  • Security

    Implement robust security measures to protect your Keycloak cluster. Use network policies, role-based access control (RBAC), and regular security audits to safeguard your environment. Ensure that all communication within the cluster is encrypted using TLS.


Keycloak’s robust features, combined with Kubernetes’ powerful orchestration capabilities, make it an ideal choice for production environments. The extensive community support and comprehensive documentation available for both Keycloak and Kubernetes further simplify the deployment and management process.

If assistance is needed with configuring Keycloak for production or setting up a Keycloak HA cluster, consider seeking expert support. Properly leveraging Keycloak in a production environment can significantly benefit your organization.


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