Java Spring And Spring Boot
Java Spring Boot Development & Consulting

Java Spring and Spring Boot have become the de facto standard tools in modern Java development, playing a pivotal role in simplifying application development and maintenance.

These frameworks empower development teams with efficient processes that significantly enhance flexibility and scalability, making them essential for managing the complexities of enterprise-level applications.

Historically, Spring Boot was conceived as a lightweight alternative to Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), aiming to provide developers with a simpler and more agile approach to building enterprise applications.

Unlike the heavyweight and often complex nature of EJB, Spring Boot offers streamlined setup through convention over configuration, reducing boilerplate code and allowing developers to focus more on business logic.

Expert Java Spring Boot Developers - Architecture, Development & Support

What is Inversion of Control (IoC)

Inversion of Control (IoC) is central to Spring’s philosophy, improving flexibility and testability by handling object creation and dependency injection. IoC simplifies development by shifting the responsibility of managing object creation and wiring dependencies from application code to the framework. Spring Boot extends this concept, streamlining development processes and reducing setup complexities. This allows developers to focus on application logic rather than infrastructure, speeding up the release of applications to market.

Enterprise Java Beans vs Spring Boot

Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) and Spring Boot are both frameworks designed to build enterprise applications, but they have distinct differences in architecture, configuration, development ease, and suitability for modern development practices like microservices and cloud readiness.


  • EJB Architecture

    Historically based on the Java EE platform, EJBs are heavyweight components requiring deployment on an application server like JBoss or WebLogic.
  • Spring Framework

    Built on the Spring framework, Spring Boot features a lightweight, standalone architecture with embedded servers such as Tomcat or Jetty, simplifying deployment and reducing overhead.

Dependency Injection

  • Container-Managed Dependency Injection (CDI)

    EJB relies on container-managed dependency injection (CDI), where the application server handles dependencies.
  • Inversion of Control (IoC)

    Spring Boot utilizes inversion of control (IoC) and dependency injection, enhancing flexibility and testability without the need for a full Java EE container.


  • XML Configuration

    EJB configuration often involves XML-based deployment descriptors, requiring explicit setup for components.
  • Spring Boot Annotations

    Spring Boot emphasizes convention over configuration, reducing boilerplate with intuitive defaults and automatic setup through annotations.

Development Ease

  • EJB Specifications

    Adherence to Java EE specifications can introduce complexity during setup, especially for simpler applications.
  • “Convention over Configuration”

    Spring Boot simplifies development with starter dependencies and automatic configuration, facilitating rapid prototyping and enabling efficient development of microservices.

Transaction Management

  • Container-Managed Transactions (CMT)

    EJB provides declarative transaction management and Container-Managed Transactions, which are powerful but less flexible.

  • Declarative & Programmatic Transactions

    Spring Boot offers robust transaction management capabilities with support for both declarative and programmatic control, providing flexibility in transaction handling.


  • Application Servers

    Testing Enterprise JavaBeans often requires an application server environment, which can complicate integration testing.
  • Embedded Servers

    Spring Boot fits easily into unit testing and integration testing with embedded servers, simplifying and accelerating testing cycles.

Community and Ecosystem

  • Enterprise & Conservative

    EJB is part of the Java EE ecosystem with established standards and specifications, but it may have slower updates and fewer community-driven innovations compared to Spring, and is considered legacy in modern development.
  • Modern & Flexible

    Spring Boot benefits from a vibrant open-source community, continuous updates, and an extensive ecosystem of plugins, libraries, and integrations, ensuring rapid adoption of new technologies and best practices.

Microservices and Cloud Readiness

  • Monolithic Design

    EJB was originally designed for monolithic applications, providing limited support for microservices architecture and cloud-native development.
  • Spring Boot Microservices

    Spring Boot is designed with microservices in mind, featuring embedded servers, Docker container support, and seamless integration with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

Java Development with Spring Boot


  • Rapid Development

    Spring Boot’s auto-configuration and starter dependencies allow developers to quickly initiate projects, minimizing time spent on boilerplate setup.
  • Microservices Ready

    It offers robust support for microservices architecture, enabling the development of independently deployable services that can scale horizontally.
  • Rich Ecosystem

    With a wide range of libraries, plugins, and strong community support, Spring Boot provides solutions for nearly every development challenge. This ensures developers can adopt best practices and utilize pre-built components effectively.
  • Lightweight Alternative to Complex EJB

    Spring Boot serves as a lightweight alternative to Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), focusing on simplicity and ease of use for enterprise application development.


  • Learning Curve

    Mastering Spring Boot’s extensive features and configurations can be daunting for newcomers, despite its lighter approach compared to EJB.

  • Dependency Management Complexity

    Managing dependencies and configurations can become complex as projects grow in size and scope. This requires careful architectural planning and modularization to maintain efficiency and scalability.

Spring Boot Project Checklist

Ensure a successful Spring Boot project with this essential checklist. Covering key areas like dependency management, security, CI/CD, testing, logging, and monitoring, this guide helps you build reliable and maintainable applications efficiently.

  • Effective Dependency Management

    Utilize Spring Boot’s dependency management tools (e.g., Maven or Gradle) to efficiently handle project dependencies.

  • Advanced Security Planning

    Integrate Spring Boot Security early in the development process. Ensure the development team comprehensively understands Spring Security concepts and considerations.

  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

    Implement CI/CD pipelines using tools such as Jenkins, GitLab CI, or CircleCI to automate build, test, and deployment processes. This ensures swift and reliable delivery of updates to your application.

  • Integrated Unit Testing

    Leverage Spring Boot’s built-in support for unit testing with frameworks like JUnit and Mockito. Spring Boot’s testing capabilities enable thorough and efficient testing of application components, ensuring reliability and maintainability.

  • Structured Logging

    Implement robust tools like ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or Fluentd for structured logging. This facilitates effective monitoring, debugging, and troubleshooting of your Spring Boot applications.

  • Monitoring and Open Telemetry

    Utilize monitoring solutions such as Prometheus, Grafana, or Datadog, and adhere to open telemetry standards. This provides valuable insights into application performance, resource utilization, and potential issues.

Spring Boot stands out as an excellent choice for modern Java development due to its lightweight and streamlined approach. It simplifies the setup and configuration of Java applications, allowing developers to focus more on coding business logic rather than infrastructure concerns.

With its robust ecosystem of libraries, plugins, and community support, Spring Boot offers solutions to virtually any development challenge.

This makes it particularly advantageous for building scalable and maintainable applications, whether you are starting a new project or upgrading an existing one.

At SUPREMATIC, we offer our extensive expertise in Java Spring and Spring Boot projects to support your business effectively with these services:

  • Software Architecture

    Benefit from expert guidance in designing robust software structures that align with your business objectives.
  • Software Development

    Receive customized solutions tailored precisely to your specific requirements, ensuring optimal performance and functionality.
  • Migration from Spring Boot 2.x to 3.x

    Seamlessly transition your applications to the latest versions of Spring Boot, leveraging new features and enhancements.
  • Migration to Cloud

    Expert assistance in migrating your Java applications to cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, ensuring scalability and efficiency in cloud environments.
  • Legacy Application Modernization

    Modernize and refactor your legacy Java applications to improve performance, scalability, and maintainability, utilizing the latest technologies and best practices.


Our offer

Free Project Architecture Audit

This session lasts 2 hours and is held in small groups.

Agile Fixed Price Contract

Suitable for new development and legacy modernization projects.
We are committing to deliver the agreed-upon functionality within a budget and offer a warranty on the outcomes.

Hourly rate / „Time and Materials“

Suitable for consulting, technical supervision and smaller development projects.