VMWare to Proxmox Migration
VMWare to Proxmox Migration Services

Technology and licensing models are always changing, and small and medium-sized businesses need to adapt.

Since February 14th, 2024, VMWare has withdrawn free vSphere licenses, creating challenges in updating and supporting software. The free version is no longer supported, and users of the free VMWare ESX/ESXi versions cannot run new VMs, and stopped VMs cannot be restarted.

Consequently, many companies are seeking alternatives, with Proxmox emerging as a popular choice.

Professional Consulting and Migration Services: VMWare to Proxmox

Why Virtualization?

Virtualization creates virtual versions of physical components, such as operating systems, servers, storage devices, or network resources. This allows multiple virtual systems to run on a single physical machine, improving efficiency, scalability, and flexibility.


Founded in 1998 and based in Palo Alto, California, VMWare is known for its virtualization and cloud computing solutions. It uses a hypervisor on a physical server to run multiple virtual machines (VMs) on the same hardware. Each VM operates independently with its own operating system. VMWare’s ESX/ESXi hypervisor is based on the x86 architecture, and resources like networking and RAM are shared among all VMs, optimizing resource use.


Proxmox Virtual Environment (Proxmox VE or PVE) is an open-source server virtualization platform designed for hyper-converged infrastructure. It supports two virtualization technologies: Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) for VMs and LXC for containers. Proxmox VE uses a unified web-based interface and includes tools for high availability, software-defined storage, networking, and disaster recovery.

VMWare vs Proxmox



  • Mature Platform
    VMWare has been in the market for a long time, offering a stable and mature virtualization platform.
  • High Performance
    Optimized for performance, especially in large-scale enterprise environments.
  • Extensive Features
    Rich feature set, including advanced capabilities like VMotion, High Availability (HA), Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), and more.
  • Professional Support
    Access to professional support and comprehensive documentation.
  • Integration
    Seamless integration with other VMWare products and services.


  • Cost
    High licensing costs, especially for advanced features.
  • Complex Licensing
    Licensing can be complex and difficult to manage.
  • Closed Source
    Proprietary software with limited flexibility in customization.
  • Hardware Requirements
    Higher hardware requirements compared to some other virtualization solutions.
  • Vendor Lock-In
    Potential for vendor lock-in due to proprietary formats and features.

Proxmox VE


  • Open Source
    Free and open-source, with the option for a paid support subscription.
  • Cost-Effective
    Lower overall cost compared to proprietary solutions.
  • Flexibility
    Highly customizable with the ability to modify source code and adapt to specific needs.
  • Unified Management
    Single web-based interface for managing both KVM and LXC.
  • Integrated Tools
    Built-in tools for high availability, software-defined storage (Ceph), and disaster recovery.


  • Learning Curve
    Steeper learning curve for users not familiar with open-source platforms.
  • Community Support
    Primarily reliant on community support, with paid support available as an option.
  • Performance
    May not match VMWare in performance for very large-scale deployments.
  • Compatibility
    Requires careful planning for migration from other platforms due to differences in VM formats.
  • Documentation
    Less comprehensive documentation compared to VMWare, though improving over time.

Migration from VMware to Proxmox

Migrating from VMWare to Proxmox can be straightforward with proper planning. Here are the key steps involved in the process:

Evaluation and Planning

Begin by evaluating your current VMWare setup. This includes assessing system requirements for Proxmox and reviewing virtual machines, resources, and network configurations.

Setting Up Proxmox

Install Proxmox on a dedicated server or a virtual machine. Ensure that the network settings are configured to match your existing VMs, facilitating a smoother transition.

Exporting and Importing VMs

Use tools designed to export VMs from VMWare and import them into Proxmox. Converting the file formats to address differences is crucial in this step. For example, migrating from ESXi to Proxmox requires a conversion process.

Verification and Testing

After importing the VMs into Proxmox, thoroughly test them to ensure they function correctly. This includes checking performance, connectivity, and overall operation to confirm that the migration was successful.


Navigating the transition from VMWare to Proxmox requires careful planning and execution, but the benefits can be substantial.

Proxmox offers a cost-effective, flexible, and open-source alternative to VMWare’s proprietary solutions.

By following a structured migration process, businesses can ensure a smooth transition with minimal downtime.

At SUPREMATIC, we have experience in facilitating migrations from VMWare to Proxmox. We aim to help you convert VMWare to Proxmox as smoothly as possible. Whether you need a complete migration service or just some support during the process, we’re here to assist you at every step.


Our offer

Free Project Architecture Audit

This session lasts 2 hours and is held in small groups.

Agile Fixed Price Contract

Suitable for new development and legacy modernization projects.
We are committing to deliver the agreed-upon functionality within a budget and offer a warranty on the outcomes.

Hourly rate / „Time and Materials“

Suitable for consulting, technical supervision and smaller development projects.