React: Frontend Development
React Frontend Development & Consulting Services

React, created by Facebook, is a top tool for front-end development.

It provides a powerful library for building dynamic web applications. Since its release in 2013, React has changed how developers build user interfaces, making it easier to create high-performing web applications with reusable components.

React’s component-based architecture breaks the UI into small, reusable pieces of code called components. This makes the code easier to manage and speeds up development. For any company building web UIs, this modularity is crucial.

React also offers a virtual DOM, which optimizes rendering and boosts performance. When changes happen, React updates the virtual DOM first and then synchronizes it with the real DOM, ensuring minimal updates and a smoother user experience. This feature is especially beneficial for complex applications with frequent UI updates, leading to faster and more responsive applications.

React - Frontend Development & Consulting Services

React Pros and Cons

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of React helps businesses and developers make informed decisions about its use. By recognizing its benefits, like performance optimization with the virtual DOM and flexible, reusable components, they can see how it fits their needs.


  • Reusable Components

    The component-based architecture promotes reusability, accelerating the development process. For example, a complex form component created once can be reused across various parts of an application, ensuring consistency and reducing redundancy. This form component might include input fields, validation logic, and submit handlers, all encapsulated in a single, reusable module.
  • Virtual DOM

    This feature boosts performance, making React applications fast and responsive. In applications with complex UIs, the virtual DOM reduces the time spent on re-rendering the entire UI, focusing only on the components that have changed.
  • Strong Community and Ecosystem

    A large community of developers and a wide range of tools and libraries make it easy to find solutions and resources. With plenty of documentation, tutorials, and forums available, developers can quickly get help and share knowledge.
  • Flexibility

    React integrates well with other libraries or frameworks, making it versatile for various projects. Whether you are building a single-page application or integrating with a larger MVC framework, React’s flexibility allows seamless integration.


  • Learning Curve

    Beginners may find understanding JSX and the virtual DOM concepts challenging. JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript, mixes HTML with JavaScript, which can be initially confusing.
  • Rapid Changes

    The React ecosystem evolves quickly, which can lead to compatibility issues and the need for continuous learning. React developers need to stay updated with the latest releases and best practices, which can be time-consuming.
  • Only a Library

    Unlike full-fledged frameworks, React ocuses solely on the view layer, necessitating additional tools for routing and state management. This means that for a complete solution, developers need to integrate other libraries like Redux for state management or React Router for routing.

React Alternatives

React is not the only choice for web development. Comparing React with other popular frameworks like Angular and Vue is essential when making a decision.

Angular vs React

Angular, developed by Google, is a comprehensive framework that includes tools for routing, state management, and form validation. React, on the other hand, uses a virtual DOM, which boosts performance. React’s learning curve is often considered less steep than Angular’s, making it more beginner-friendly. The Angular vs. React debate remains a hot topic among developers.

In terms of performance, React’s virtual DOM provides an advantage, especially for applications with dynamic content. Angular’s real DOM can be slower to update, affecting performance. However, Angular’s built-in features make it a robust choice for large-scale applications that need a full framework.

Vue vs React

Vue, created by Evan You, is similar to React. Both are component-based and focus on the view layer. Vue is simple and easy to integrate, making it great for smaller projects. However, React’s larger community and extensive ecosystem give it an edge for bigger, more complex applications. The choice between Vue and React often depends on specific project needs and developer preferences.

Vue’s two-way data binding simplifies state management, while React’s one-way data flow makes applications easier to debug and more predictable. Additionally, React’s larger ecosystem offers more third-party integrations and support.

ClojureScript and React (Powerful Combo)

Combining ClojureScript and React creates a powerful front-end development experience. ClojureScript, a version of Clojure that compiles to JavaScript, uses immutable data structures and functional paradigms, which fit well with React’s design principles.

Reagent is a simple interface to React in ClojureScript, allowing developers to write React components in a more expressive and concise way. This combination leads to more maintainable and robust code, making it a favorite for developers who like functional programming. The synergy between ClojureScript and React helps create efficient and scalable web applications.

React Native

React Native takes the best parts of React, allowing developers to build mobile applications for both iOS and Android. This framework uses native components instead of web components, giving mobile apps a native look and feel.

With React Native development, most of the code can be written once and used on multiple platforms, reducing development time and costs.

React Native’s hot reloading feature lets developers see changes instantly without rebuilding the app. This speeds up development and makes it easier to experiment with new features.

Additionally, React Native has a large, active community that offers many libraries and tools to enhance its functionality.


React is a powerful tool for modern UI development.

Its component-based architecture, virtual DOM, and vast ecosystem make it an excellent choice for building responsive and scalable web applications.

Coupling React with ClojureScript offers additional potential for developers who value functional programming.

React Native extends React’s capabilities to mobile app development, allowing for cross-platform applications with native performance.

With a strong community and extensive documentation, React remains a reliable choice for both web and mobile development.

If you need assistance with React development, our team is here to help. From react web to react native development, we have the expertise to bring your project to life.


Our offer

Free Project Architecture Audit

This session lasts 2 hours and is held in small groups.

Agile Fixed Price Contract

Suitable for new development and legacy modernization projects.
We are committing to deliver the agreed-upon functionality within a budget and offer a warranty on the outcomes.

Hourly rate / „Time and Materials“

Suitable for consulting, technical supervision and smaller development projects.