React Native: Mobile App Development
React Native App Development Services

Created by Facebook and initially released in 2015, React Native builds upon the principles of ReactJS, extending its capabilities to mobile platforms.

This framework allows developers to use JavaScript and React syntax to build native mobile applications for both iOS and Android from a single codebase.

Historically, experimenting and iterating with mobile app development has been more costly and time-consuming compared to web and desktop frontend development. React Native successfully addresses these challenges by enabling developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms.

This efficiency not only accelerates development timelines but also allows teams to iterate rapidly on app features and user interface designs, bridging the gap between web and mobile development practices.

iOS and Android App Development with React Native

React Native Key Points

  • Efficiency in Development

    React Native simplifies the creation of mobile apps by facilitating code reuse across iOS and Android.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility

    Developers leverage their existing knowledge of JavaScript and React to prototype and refine mobile applications seamlessly.
  • Cost and Time Savings

    By reducing the need for separate development teams and allowing faster iteration cycles, React Native significantly lowers the overall cost and time investment in mobile app projects.


  • Rapid Development Cycles

    React Native facilitates quicker iterations compared to traditional native app development.
  • Cost Efficiency

    Lower development costs due to code reusability and streamlined development processes.
  • Large Community and Support

    Extensive libraries and a thriving community provide solutions and updates that enhance development speed and address common challenges.


  • Performance Limitations

    While suitable for most applications, complex animations and high-performance requirements may necessitate native development.
  • Access to Native APIs

    Integration with specific device features and APIs may be limited compared to native development.
  • Debugging and Optimization Challenges

    Optimizing React Native apps for performance and debugging can be more complex compared to native apps.

React Native Alternatives

When considering alternatives to React Native, developers have several viable options that cater to different project needs.

  • Flutter

    Known for its single codebase and high-performance UI rendering, Flutter uses Dart as its programming language. It has gained popularity for its fast development cycles and beautiful, native-like interfaces. However, developers proficient in Dart may be less common compared to JavaScript.

  • Xamarin

    Xamarin, supported by Microsoft, leverages C# and .NET for native cross-platform development. It’s well-suited for enterprise applications requiring strong backend integration and offers robust tools for building high-performance apps. Nevertheless, the talent pool for Xamarin developers may be smaller compared to those for more widely adopted frameworks like React Native.

  • Ionic

    Ionic utilizes web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to develop hybrid apps that run on both iOS and Android. It provides a broad community and extensive plugin ecosystem, making it suitable for rapid prototyping and cross-platform deployment. However, performance benchmarks may not match those of native or other cross-platform frameworks.

React Native vs Native Development

Native development involves using platform-specific languages such as Swift/Objective-C for iOS and Kotlin/Java for Android. When comparing React Native to native development approaches, several key factors emerge due to their differing operational and integration methods with mobile platforms.

  • Developer Availability

    Finding skilled native developers can be challenging and costly due to their specialization in platform-specific languages like Swift/Objective-C or Kotlin/Java, which are less prevalent compared to JavaScript. Native development often requires developers to specialize in either iOS or Android, limiting flexibility compared to cross-platform frameworks like React Native. This specialization can lead to higher costs and longer development timelines when building separate apps for iOS and Android platforms.

  • Development Speed and Iteration

    React Native enables faster development cycles compared to native development by leveraging cross-platform capabilities and code reuse. Developers write code once and deploy it across both iOS and Android, accelerating the time-to-market for mobile applications.

  • Performance and Optimization

    Native apps typically offer superior performance, particularly for graphics-intensive or real-time data processing applications, compared to React Native. Direct access to platform-specific APIs ensures optimal performance and responsiveness in native development.

  • Ecosystem Integration and Platform Guidelines

    Native development ensures seamless integration with platform ecosystems (iOS or Android), closely adhering to platform guidelines and standards. This integration is critical for apps requiring deep system integration or compliance with specific platform features.

  • Cost Efficiency and Maintenance

    React Native often delivers cost savings in initial development phases due to code reuse and streamlined processes. However, native development may offer long-term cost benefits in maintenance and performance optimization, particularly for complex or high-traffic applications.


React Native remains a powerful tool for modern mobile app development, offering significant advantages in rapid prototyping and cost efficiency.

While it excels in reducing development time and costs associated with mobile app experimentation, teams should evaluate specific project requirements and performance considerations when deciding between React Native and native development.

Our team has expertise in leveraging React Native for efficient mobile app development. We’re here to offer expert guidance tailored to your needs, especially for rapid prototyping on iOS and Android.


Our offer

Free Project Architecture Audit

This session lasts 2 hours and is held in small groups.

Agile Fixed Price Contract

Suitable for new development and legacy modernization projects.
We are committing to deliver the agreed-upon functionality within a budget and offer a warranty on the outcomes.

Hourly rate / „Time and Materials“

Suitable for consulting, technical supervision and smaller development projects.