Rust Development
Rust Languge Development and Consulting

Rust is a programming language known for its safety, speed, and ability to run tasks in parallel, making it highly appealing to developers looking for reliable and powerful solutions.

This versatile language has gained widespread recognition in the tech world thanks to its innovative approach to solving common programming challenges.

With a strong emphasis on safety features, efficiency, and parallel processing, Rust becomes the go-to choice for companies and developers seeking robust, high-performance, and scalable software solutions.

Safety First, Always

At the heart of Rust’s design philosophy lies an unwavering commitment to safety. Unlike traditional languages such as C and C++, which are prone to memory errors and security vulnerabilities, Rust introduces a revolutionary ownership model. This model ensures memory safety without relying on a garbage collector, eliminating common issues like null pointer dereferencing and buffer overflows at the language level. The result is a significant reduction in security risks and maintenance burdens, enhancing software reliability and instilling confidence in developers and stakeholders alike.

Software Development with Rust - Development and Consulting Services

Performance at Its Core

Rust’s performance is unparalleled, often matching or surpassing that of established languages like C++. It is particularly beneficial for enterprises dealing with large-scale, data-intensive tasks. Rust stands out by delivering high performance alongside safety, a combination seldom found in programming languages. This makes it invaluable in sectors where both speed and security are paramount, including financial services, aerospace, and high-performance computing.

Concurrent and Future-Proof

In today’s era of multi-core processors, concurrency is not a luxury but a necessity. Rust’s advanced concurrency features enable developers to write programs that fully utilize modern hardware capabilities. Its safe concurrency model prevents common pitfalls such as data races, simplifying the development of reliable and efficient parallel applications. As businesses aim to future-proof their technology stacks, Rust’s proficiency in managing concurrent operations positions it as a forward-thinking choice for software development.

Growing Ecosystem and Community Support

The rise of Rust is also propelled by its vibrant ecosystem and community support. The Cargo package manager and ecosystem provide an expanding library of reusable components, facilitating the development process. The Rust community is renowned for its active and supportive nature, offering abundant learning resources. This supportive environment makes adopting Rust more accessible for businesses, allowing for seamless integration into existing systems and workflows.

Real-World Examples of Rust in Action

  • Dropbox

    Utilizing Rust to enhance the performance and reliability of its file synchronization engine, Dropbox saw significant improvements in speed and efficiency, demonstrating Rust’s capability in data-intensive operations.

  • Yelp

    For its high-performance data processing needs, Yelp turned to Rust, leveraging its safety and concurrency features to boost their real-time data processing systems, showcasing Rust’s suitability for large-scale web applications.

  • Coursera

    Adopting Rust for various system components, Coursera improved performance and security, with Rust’s efficient handling of concurrent operations making it ideal for the platform’s high-traffic, data-driven environment.

  • Mozilla

    The birthplace of Rust, Mozilla has extensively utilized the language in developing their web browser engine, Servo, highlighting Rust’s potential in creating complex, high-performance web applications.

  • Figma

    Figma employs Rust in its high-speed rendering engine, where Rust’s performance and reliability are key to delivering a seamless, real-time collaborative design experience.


At SUPREMATIC, we offer high-quality consultancy in Rust programming. Our team is here to help you effectively use this advanced technology to improve your business.

Whether optimizing existing systems or developing new high-performance applications, our team is ready to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your projects harness the full power of Rust, from web backend and system programming to mobile and web3 development.


Our offer

Free Project Architecture Audit

This session lasts 2 hours and is held in small groups.

Agile Fixed Price Contract

Suitable for new development and legacy modernization projects.
We are committing to deliver the agreed-upon functionality within a budget and offer a warranty on the outcomes.

Hourly rate / „Time and Materials“

Suitable for consulting, technical supervision and smaller development projects.